Thank You

1: It Doesn’t Seem Enough

I want to tell you `Thank you,`
But it doesn’t seem enough.
Words don’t seem sufficient–
`Blah, blah` and all that stuff.

Please know I have deep feelings
About your generous act.
I really appreciate you;
You’re special, and that’s a fact!

2: You Didn’t Have To

Thank you for what you did;
You didn’t have to do it.
I’m glad someone like you
Could help me to get through it.

I’ll always think of you
With a glad and grateful heart;
You are very special;
I knew it from the start!

3: Thank You for Being You

Thank you for (the gift/your kindness).
Thank you for being the person you are:
kind and thoughtful,
sensitive and considerate,
a generous and thoughtful giver.
You are unselfish always,
putting others before yourself,
making me/us feel special and important.
It is a privilege and a pleasure to know you.

4: I Appreciate You

You are a person
who makes life easier and better
for everyone around you.
Your continual acts
of thoughtfulness
and kindness
brighten each day.
What you did for me
will glow in my memory,
reviving pleasant feelings
every time I think about it.
I appreciate you,
and I thank you.

5: You Made My Day

I appreciate your kindness
More than words can say;
The very nice thing you did for me
Really made my day!

6: Priorities

Thank you…
for thinking of me
and then wondering
how you could help.
Thank you…
for doing what you did,
instead of being too busy,
or just forgetting about it.
Thank you…
For inking me
on your priority to-do list,
when you have
so many other things to do;
I am honored;
It meant a lot to me.
Thank you.